Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly
nature; sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is
idolatry (Colossians
Sexual immorality is
everything that defies God’s original creation prototype of marriage – the one man-one woman
lifelong monogamous relationship laid down for the human race in Genesis 2:24
(see Christ’s endorsement in Matthew 19: 4,5). It is because the Lord is FOR
marriage (and for chastity outside marriage) that we have a licence to kill
off, within our selves, all things short of this! How is this done?
monitoring our input of literature, TV and films. If the Holy Spirit lives in
us, we have the power to walk past places, products and people that blunt our
Christian living.
CROWD THEM OUT. We are more likely to fail when on our
own; when we lack fellowship with other believers. But a crowd – of loving, fellow-believers
with whom we regularly meet – will help keep us accountable!
is nothing like Christian ACTIVITY – a piece of volunteer service – to soak up
energy, and effectively kill those strange obsessions or fantasies that can
waste away months and years.
WEAR THEM OUT. Sometimes
we may fail. Then is the time to confess our failure, get up again – and
declare ourselves back in the fight once more for the very purity of Jesus
Christ himself; to maintain vigilance – and by sheer persistence to wear out
the opposition.
Believers have been
raised with Christ. The new life is swinging in! The things associated with the
past are now listed for Death Row.